2022-03-05 "Infertility na when husband and wife nor get belle after one year of regular knacking without rubber and when them nor use any kind medicine to take avoid belle . For many African nations, MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 5 MB - Duration: 5:21m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-05 "Life they go through constant process of renewal when involve say new cells go they formed to replace old cells. When something disturb this natural process the result na him them call cancer. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 7 MB - Duration: 7:25m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-05 "But why children they get cancer? Na common knowledge say cancer they affect people when don advance for age; for example cervical cancer they commonly affect women for their 60s and prostate cancer affects men for their 50s and 60s, MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 4 MB - Duration: 4:49m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-05 Infertility can occur in both men and women, and there are many factors that cause infertility. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 5 MB - Duration: 6:03m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-05 "Did you know that children can also get cancer? Most cancers affect adults but certain cancers can also occur in children and there are red flags to look out for." MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 7 MB - Duration: 7:25m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)
2022-03-05 "Cancer is mostly seen in older people, but it is also possible for children to get cancer. Certain cancers like brain cancer, cancers of the eye, blood cancer and a cancer of the kidney called Wilm's tumour, are particularly common in children." MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 4 MB - Duration: 4:39m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)